Counties Manukau Cricket is promising to come down hard on any abusive play or violence after some high-profile examples around the country and a couple of disappointing incidents in the lower grades here in our own region.

A Counties Manukau Cricket Association edict has been sent out to all clubs highlighting the expectations of playing organised cricket and the standards that must be met.

While there have always been isolated cases of intimidatory tactics and verbal abuse CMCA said this in no way makes it acceptable and have promised to treat it seriously in an effort to stamp it out.

A couple of incidents have been before the judiciary in the past couple of weeks with one player handed a long-term ban, which should serve as a warning to others.

Player umpiring and accusations of cheating have often been the root of problems but CMCA Cricket Manager Peter Zanzottera said that is never an excuse for poor behaviour.

“We (CMCA and its clubs) are here to provide enjoyable sporting experiences for all of our participants and supporters,” he said. “Those who wish to step outside acceptable behaviours and ruin the game for everyone else, need to be aware that this is never acceptable, and there will be strong consequences for anyone who does.”

Zanzottera is encouraging all players and teams to think about what they can do to help improve the situation and raise the overall standards of behaviour across the sport so that the game can be more enjoyable for all involved.

“The clubs have been a great support with these issues,” Zanzottera continued. “As association and club leaders within our community we are asking that all players in our region stop and take responsibility for their own behaviours under any circumstance. If everyone does this, we can ensure that every Saturday is one that all players, families and friends can enjoy.”